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I formed BOK BUILDER to share my body of knowledge and teaching experience. My posts reflect the magnificent and diverse world of learning while taking deep dives into engaging strategies that underpin the Big Ideas of middle-school science. I provide unique perspectives that correlate with a reservoir of relevant lessons and activities for your classroom. I’m here to inspire you through the ins and outs of the educational process with stories, tips, insights, and materials. I aim to spark your imagination and build connections in your learning voyage.

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  • Master of Arts in Science Education

    • the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

  • Bachelor of Arts in Business

    •  Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL

  • Professional Educator (1997 - 2021)

    •  Flagler County Schools, Palm Coast, FL

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My Voyage 

"Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times."

Ancient Proverb

The exhilarating experience of traveling to new places, near and far, enhances one's body of knowledge. On my journey, I eagerly collect an appreciation of diverse people, places, and things. I am excited to share my vessel of enlightened perspectives with your craft aboard a learning journey. 


Use the map (below) to explore my life's travels along with a few destinations on my bucket list. Perhaps we've crossed paths somewhere along the way! 


Red Rock Canyon- Las Vegas, Nevada

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The Metropolitan Cathedral of San José - Costa Rica


Big Sur- California


Þingvellir National Park- Iceland


Washington Oaks State Park- Palm Coast, Florida

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